As a experienced art professional, Sean Karemaker is passionate about teaching and mentoring young artists. He has led classes at Vancouver Film School, VCAD, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, and the University of British Columbia. Sean adapts the curriculum depending on the age of the students. For his course in Richmond Arts Centre Sean has guided kids aged 6-18 to create their own comic books from start to finish. Older students can learn drawing, sculpture, video game design and collaborative art projects. In 2019 October he spent three weeks as a visiting artist in Hong Kong, China, teaching students grades 6-12.
Sean has extensive experience holding talks and demonstrations at high schools, libraries, galleries and elementary schools all around British Columbia. For Sean, art is both a profession and a way of emotional and empathetic interaction with the world. His goal is to inspire a new generation of artists to peruse their own creative projects and to give them the tools they need to succeed. Karemaker has a belief that empathy in conjunction with modern technology is the future of storytelling, he is eager to share that vision with your students today.
some of the topics that Sean has facilitated Talks and hands on workshops about:
Email for any questions and bookings.
Teaching experience:
VCAD. Instructor
Vancouver Film School.
Arts Umbrella. instructor
Richmond Arts Centre. Instructor
2013 Vancouver: Comic drawing workshop Seymour Art Gallery, Auto/Bio art show.
2012 Hogar del Pobre (Mexico): art classes for children in the orphanage.
2012 Vancouver: sculpting classes for children at Kits Neighborhood House.
Public Speaking:
2019: Pearl River Delta speaking tour. Guangdong, China.
2018. Vancouver Library, Word Festival
2017. Emily Carr University, Guest Lecture
2015-2016. UBC Creative Writing Department, Guest Lectures
Nov. 2014. Tedx BC Kids, Micheal J Fox Theatre (Watch)
Nov. 2014. Pechakucha Night Vol. 35 Vogue Theatre (Watch)